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Apply the latest ARR updates with the new Watercom Climate Change Rainfall Modifier.

Seen the new updates to ARR? Apply the latest climate change science to your models using the new Watercom Climate Change Rainfall Modifier!  


New Online DRAINS & ARR E-Learning Platform

By August 24, 2020September 26th, 2022No Comments

Kustom Engineering is excited to announce our online DRAINS & ARR E-Learning platform.


24 August 2020

Due to COVID-19 restrictions currently in place, we have recently launched online interactive DRAINS webinars.

These webinars cover the same material as the regular face-to-face workshops, with the flexibility of developing your skills online.

  • More material than the regular 2-day core workshops
  • Certificate of completion with 15 CPD hours
  • Adjustable playback speed & re-watchable content
  • Access to a DRAINS 50-link training license
  • Options for digital or express-posted notes


Find out more at Kustom Engineering.