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Apply the latest ARR updates with the new Watercom Climate Change Rainfall Modifier.

Seen the new updates to ARR? Apply the latest climate change science to your models using the new Watercom Climate Change Rainfall Modifier!  


Watercom’s DRAINS a “Key Tool” in Western Sydney Airport Drainage Network Design

By March 7, 2022September 26th, 2022No Comments

3 March 2022

We offer our huge congratulations to Aurecon’s Yuna Chen and Arcadis Australia Pacific’s Rob Peterson on their great presentation on the Western Sydney Airport (WSA) drainage network design project, as part of the Stormwater NSW Technical Event on 3 March. This was a huge and complex undertaking, and we’re proud that the WSA team cited DRAINS as a key tool in achieving the complex modelling required.

The Western Sydney Airport site has a total catchment area of 1,400ha, and the proposed trunk drainage network consists of approximately 48km of underground pipe network, 56km of open channels, 8 detention basins and 10 bioretention basins. Adding to the design complexity, the detailed design of the drainage network considered four milestone development stages concurrently.

In their presentation, the WSA team praised Watercom’s DRAINS, stating:

  • Model validation, achieved through DRAINS 1D, produced model results comparable to Tuflow‘s rainfall on-grid 2D model using ARR 2019 procedures
  • The RAFTS hydrological model and the Full Unsteady Hydraulic engine in DRAINS allowed the team to effectively meet project requirements
  • The faster-running 1D network model provided substantial benefits to meet the tight delivery programme


We were also proud to provide support to Aecom throughout this project.

Read more about the Western Sydney Airport project and this presentation at Stormwater NSW.


If you’d like to see how DRAINS can help your project, contact us.