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Impact of latest ARR Updates on Stormwater Modelling

Live Webinar: How do the recent ARR updates impact stormwater modelling? Join us on Tues 18 Mar for insights and practical guidance.  

A new final version of ARR is now available.  In short, key ARR 2019 updates include removing ‘Draft’ from the guideline, the completion of Book 9, reflection of current climate change practice, improvements to the ARR web-based user experience, and now the availability of the document as a PDF.  Refer to the ARR website for more information:

The ARR Data Hub has also been updated. Nationally the main update includes slight adjustments to Climate Change Factors. For NSW, specific revisions have been made to applying IL-CL values & pre-burst rainfall depths following the advice of NSW Office of Environment & Heritage. Refer to the ARR Data Hub for up to date information and guidance:

A new version of DRAINS is now available that incorporates ARR2019 procedures.