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Unmissable Value

Last chance! Offer ends 30 September 2024*

Own a DRAINS USB Licence? Exchange it for Perpetual Licences!
Discover your exclusive trade-in offer with our online calculator. You could receive up to $15,000 in discounts!

Calculate my Exclusive Offer now

Here are a few examples of offers received by customers – all with nothing to pay until the next Maintenance Renewal date^!

Offers are based on the type and value of the USB Licence being traded-in.

Not all scenarios are displayed below.

Exchanging a DRAINS Network USB

There are various configurations of Network USBs. For an accurate trade-in offer, please complete the Exchange USB form and we will get back to you ASAP.

Discover your tailored Trade-In Offer now with our online calculator.

Nothing to pay until the next Maintenance Renewal date^!

All examples assume USB Licence has an active Maintenance plan. Not all scenarios are displayed above.

If your Maintenance plan has expired, you are still eligible to trade-in by submitting the Exchange USB form, and we will get back to you with further information.

Be quick! Offer ends 30 September 2024*

Calculate my Exclusive Offer now

*After this date, Exchange Offer values will reduce. ^Unless Maintenance renewal occurs within 90 days, whereby current renewal is payable now.