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Apply the latest ARR updates with the new Watercom Climate Change Rainfall Modifier.

Seen the new updates to ARR? Apply the latest climate change science to your models using the new Watercom Climate Change Rainfall Modifier!  

Explore DRAINS Licensing

DRAINS is available in various licences and options.

From 30-Day and Annual Subscriptions, to Perpetual Standalone and Network Licences, there is a licence to suit everyone.

All new licences include the full suite of current DRAINS functionality.


When referred to below, a “link” is a pipe, channel, pump, orifice or weir.


30-Day, Annual or Network

Pay a monthly or annual fee to get access to all features and modules of DRAINS, as well as updates and software support. Starting from just $12/week*, subscriptions are our most flexible and popular licences.

30-Day or Annual Subscriptions: Registered to a single device. Available in 5, 20, 50 or Unlimited Links.
Subscription Network Licences: Shared between a pool of registered devices. Available annually for Unlimited Links only.


Standalone or Network

Purchase DRAINS upfront, then pay annual Maintenance for updates, extra features and software support. Access DRAINS from registered devices only. Fully-featured with lower upfront and ongoing costs than a USB Licence, plus less IT overhead as no USB or licence files are required.

Standalone: “Software-locked” to a single registered device. Available in 20, 50 or Unlimited Links.
Network: “Software-locked” to a pool of registered devices. Each licence adds five free registered devices to the pool. Available for Unlimited Links only.

USB Licence

Standalone or Network

No longer available for purchase. Existing customers can continue to upgrade existing USB licences, and will continue to be supported in accordance with our Maintenance policy. Learn more.

Upfront DRAINS purchase, followed by annual Maintenance for updates, extra features and software support. 

USB Standalone: Access DRAINS by plugging in a USB Dongle to your device.
USB Network: Shared concurrently between multiple users and devices by placing the USB Dongle on a server within your Local Area Network (LAN).

*On a 5-Link Subscription (Annual).

Not quite sure? Request a quote and tell us a bit about your situation, and we’ll help you assess and compare.

Do you own a DRAINS USB Licence? Exchange it for Perpetual Licences at no additional cost!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions. You can request a quote any time for additional assistance.

What is a Subscription DRAINS Licence, and what options are available?

A Subscription DRAINS Licence is our most flexible and popular software licence. Pay a monthly or annual fee to get access to all features and modules of DRAINS in 5-Link, 20-Link, 50-Link or Unlimited-Link options. Plus, all new releases, updates and software support are included.

Subscription DRAINS Licences are available in two configurations:

  1. 30-Day or Annual Subscriptions are registered to a single device only, and available in 5, 20, 50 or Unlimited Links. You can also purchase an additional “work-from-home” device activation. On Annual Subscriptions, licences can be transferred to a new device twice per subscription period at no cost.
  2. Network Subscriptions are shared between a pool of registered devices, and only available in Unlimited Links on an Annual Subscription. Each subscription adds five free registered devices to the pool. Each device can be transferred twice per subscription period at no cost.

If required, additional device transfers are available for purchase.

What is the newly-released Perpetual DRAINS Licence?

It is a Perpetual Licence with all current DRAINS features and modules, plus lower costs and less IT overhead than a traditional USB Licence. After the first year, annual Maintenance payments are required to receive updates, extra features and software support.

A Perpetual Licence is available in two configurations:

  • Perpetual Standalone Licences are “software-locked” to a single registered device. A device can be transferred twice at no cost per Maintenance period.
  • Perpetual Network Licences are “software-locked” to a pool of registered devices. Each licence adds five free registered devices to the pool. Additional registered devices are available for purchase. Each device can be transferred once at no cost per Maintenance period.

Licence Activation & Device Registration
Devices are “registered” by entering the supplied activation key and connecting to Watercom’s online Licence Management Server (LMS). Perpetual Standalone Licences can remain offline for up to 30 days before needing to reconnect to Watercom’s LMS. Perpetual Network Licences must remain connected to the internet while using DRAINS.

Compared to a USB Licence, the benefits of Perpetual Licences include:

  • More flexibility – Available in 20*, 50* and Unlimited Links
  • More features – All current features are included
  • Lower upfront and ongoing costs
  • Easy device transfers
  • Less IT overhead
    • Automatic updates of licence files
    • No Local Area Network (LAN) server or Virtual Private Network (VPN) software is required for Network Softlock Licences
    • No additional network software is required
    • No USB Dongle required means there is no risk of damage or loss

*Available for Perpetual Standalone Licences only.

What is a DRAINS USB Licence?

No longer available for purchase. Existing customers can continue to upgrade existing USB licences, and will continue to be supported in accordance with our Maintenance policy. Learn more.

A DRAINS USB licence is where DRAINS is purchased upfront and Maintenance is then payable annually. DRAINS can be installed on any device during active maintenance.  A USB Dongle and licensing files are always required during use.

USB Licences are only available for Unlimited Links, and have two configurations:

  • USB Standalone Licences require a USB Dongle to be plugged into the local device to access DRAINS by a single user at a time. Virtual machines and remote access are not supported. Upon annual renewal of Maintenance, Watercom provides updated licence files for your installation.
  • USB Network Licences can be shared concurrently between multiple users across any number of devices by placing the USB Dongle on a server within your Local Area Network (LAN). For administration and access, additional network software is required on both the server and each client device. Each client device also requires licence files which need to be updated annually. USB Network Licences can be remotely accessed through your organisation’s Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Which type of licence is best for me? (Subscription or Perpetual)

Subscriptions are our most flexible and popular licence. Subscription Standalone Licences are available in both 30-Day or Annual terms, while Subscription Network Licences are available in Annual terms only. Subscriptions have a minimal upfront investment, lower costs to add users and include all updates and software support. Continued access to DRAINS always requires an active subscription. Subscriptions start from just $12/week* and are a great way to get started with DRAINS.

Meanwhile, Perpetual Licences (Standalone and Network) require a higher upfront investment to purchase, followed by Maintenance paid annually. Maintenance provides access to updates, extra features and software support. Perpetual Licences provide continued access to DRAINS on registered devices for the last version installed during the Maintenance period. Higher upfront costs result in lower long-term annual Maintenance fees compared to Annual Subscriptions.

*On a 5-Link Subscription (Annual). 

I need to share DRAINS with a team (Network Licence). What are my options?

A Network Licence provides the flexibility to share DRAINS between users and devices. We have three types of Network Licences available:

  1. Subscription Network Licence:
    Pay a yearly fee to access DRAINS (Unlimited Links only), as well as updates, extra features and software support. Subscription Network Licences are “software-locked” to a pool of registered devices.
  2. Perpetual Network Licence:
    Purchase DRAINS upfront (Unlimited Links only), then pay annual Maintenance for updates, extra features and software support. Just like Subscription Network Licences, Perpetual Network Licences are also “software-locked” to a pool of registered devices.

For both Subscription Network and Perpetual Network Licences, each licence adds five free registered devices to the pool. Each device can be transferred once at no cost per subscription/Maintenance period. Additional registered devices can also be purchased.

Enquire about a Network Licence here > 

Which Network Licence is best for us?

A Network licence provides the flexibility to share DRAINS between users and devices.

Both Subscription Network and Perpetual Network Licences are shared between a pool of registered devices. Both licences are managed easily through Watercom’s online Licence Management Server (LMS). The difference is that Subscriptions require regular annual payments for continued access to DRAINS, whereas Perpetual Licences provide continued access to DRAINS at the last version installed during the active Maintenance period. Additionally, Perpetual Licences have higher upfront payments with lower ongoing Maintenance thereafter.

Enquire about a Network Licence here > 

Can I upgrade an existing Licence?

Yes. Upgrades can be made at any time during the Subscription or active Maintenance period:

  • The minimum fee will be the difference in price between the two licences*. This is typically based on either the current value of the Perpetual/USB Licence’s, or the remainder of the remaining Subscription.
  • Additional Maintenance for the upgraded portion of a Perpetual/USB Licence is free until the following Maintenance renewal period.
  • No refunds are issued for downgrades, and
  • Any upgrades within the last 90 days of a Subscription or Maintenance period require the renewal of the following period.

*Excludes converting from USB Licences to Subscription Licences.

Can I replace a damaged Perpetual USB?

Yes, provided the USB has active maintenance. If maintenance is expired, a damaged USB Licence cannot be replaced. Learn more about an expired Maintenance Program here.

Damaged USBs with active maintenance that are returned to Watercom can be exchanged for one or more new Perpetual Licences, typically for no cost.

Alternatively, replacement USBs are available but will only be supplied for a full version of DRAINS. This means that a legacy version of DRAINS will first need to be upgraded to a full version.

  • Damaged USB Standalone Licences that are returned to Watercom and need to be replaced will be charged at $300+GST.
  • Damaged USB Network Licences that are returned to Watercom and need to be replaced will be charged at $1,000 +GST.
  • Replacement USBs will only be available until 30 June 2025.

What if I have lost the USB Licence?

The Licensee is responsible for taking out insurance against the loss, theft or disappearance of a USB Licence that may result in the situation that a USB Licence cannot be located. A new licence from our current offerings will be required to continue accessing DRAINS.

Are there additional terms and conditions for licensing?


  • A Licence’s Subscription or Maintenance period commences from the date that Watercom issues the Licence to the Licensee.
  • Licences with lapsed Maintenance of more than two Maintenance periods can no longer be renewed. However, they can be surrendered for an Exchange Credit towards the cost of a new Subscription or Perpetual Licence.
  • Licences are Non-Refundable; however, they can be upgraded or surrendered for Exchange Credit towards new Licences
  • Discounts apply for multiple years of maintenance or subscription paid upfront, plus the current rate is locked in for the period paid
  • Prices are subject to increase annually, and are subject to Licence feature inclusions
  • This Licensing page is to be read in conjunction with the latest Watercom Terms and Conditions which includes the Watercom End User Licensing Agreement and the Watercom Privacy Policy.

Have more questions, want to get started, or need help assessing your options? We’re happy to assist.

Request a Quote