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Impact of latest ARR Updates on Stormwater Modelling

Live Webinar: How do the recent ARR updates impact stormwater modelling? Join us on Tues 18 Mar for insights and practical guidance.  

Draft updates to the ‘Climate Change Considerations’ chapter in Australian Rainfall & Runoff (ARR) Guidelines are now available for review.

Feedback is being sought on the draft guiding principles and key considerations to update the Climate Change Considerations chapter of Australian Rainfall & Runoff (ARR): A Guide to Flood Estimation.

The proposed updates were informed by a review of the latest science, as well as the last round of stakeholder consultations in May and June 2023.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) invites engineers, peak industry bodies, governments and other subject matter experts to have their say on the proposed updates to “ensure that the updated guidance will reflect user needs before the document is finalised in mid-2024”.

Read draft Climate Change Considerations chapter (PDF)

Here’s how to have your say:

Submit Feedback

Note: Feedback closes Monday 12 February 2024.